Good Web Sites Are Good For SEO: Google | Website Development Standards
A recent Twitter conversation between Google’s John Mueller and an SEO expert stated something which most of us know. It reaffirmed the fact that a lot of good accessibility website development best practices are also good SEO best practices. Mr. Muller was asked “Is ADA Compliance a Google ranking factor?” to which Muller responded that it was a general requirement. The SEO expert future clarified that his question was in regards to the information he received that says “a website experienced a ranking boost after the site was made compliant with ADA”. Muller responded, “A lot of good accessibility best practices are also good SEO best practices, and just generally, making a site better for users often results in indirect, overall positive effects too.” So what is ADA Compliance? ADA Compliance is the abbreviated form of Americans with Disabilities Act Standards for Accessible Design. Accordingly, the electronic information and technology that includes yo...